
Showing posts from April, 2019

"Sexy" Textbooks

by Al Benson Jr. Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America Awhile back, I read an editorial from The Longview Daily News in Longview, Texas, The title of it was Do Parents Care About Textbooks?   The editorial made some interesting points. It said: "News reports from Austin say the State Textbook Committee has recommended for use of   fifth grade students a "sexy" history textbook  "because it turned students on" in contrast to other books labeled "too factual." It continued: "Do parents think their fifth grade sons and daughters need to be "turned on" by "sexy" textbooks in elementary schools?  The committee vote approving the "sexy" text was 12 to 3. Do the 12 members who voted for "sexy" history in the fifth grade really think boys and girls of ages 10 and 11 need to be "turned on"? That was a good question. Another question might be--how many of those 12 who voted f...

The Real Purpose of Education

by Al Benson Jr. Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America The late theologian, R. J. Rushdoony, was very concerned over the issue of education in this country and what the real reasons for that education were. Years ago he made the statement: "Statist educators want to create a people who will be Creatures of the State and its Schools, not creatures of God;  that's the goal. You see it's a religious conflict and it's a religious goal with these people. You can never fully grasp their objective until you see the religious aspect of it....Education is fundamentally and essentially religious...If you want to know what the religion of the people of the culture is, examine their education." If Rev. Rushdoony's  statement is accurate, and I have no reason to think it is not, then the question arises--what is our real religion in this country at this point in history? Does the way we educate our children determine what we really believe, re...